Do you think culture and collaboration require an office? Think Again

While there is the recognition that the great work-from-home experiment effective, there is also the belief that it hurt organizational culture and belonging and that it does not support [...]

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You really do need a vacation.

Why taking a vacation and truly unplugging is so important - to you and to your organization.

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10 inspirational videos on leadership

10 inspirational videos on leadership. Insights and knowledge that will help leaders to learn, grow, and lead.

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Stress and decreased engagement are just two reasons we need to stop scheduling back-to-back meetings

Back-to-back meetings need to stop. A new study shows they are causing fatigue and stress, and negatively impacting engagement and focus. 

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The Upside of the Burnout Crisis

There is a silver lining to the burnout crisis. Leaders who recognize burnout as an organizational problem, take action to create an organizational solution, and make systemic changes will build [...]

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A Quiet(er) Mind

Mindfulness practice can produce a quieter mind, one that is not pushed and pulled so relentlessly by our involuntary attention.  Even a few minutes of meditation or mindfulness practice daily [...]

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“Return to work” makes no sense. Here’s why.

It's critical to frame the future as a return to the office, not a return to work. People have been working – a lot.

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The Power of Mindfulness: Remember, Recenter, Re-engage

When we can remember to be in the present moment, we can more and more quickly and without judgment recenter ourselves and re-engage with more peace and clarity.

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Social connection is a leadership priority. Here’s why.

Social connection impacts trust, productivity, engagement, and job satisfaction, and anchors teams in times of complexity. Whether your team is in-person, remote, or both, fostering social [...]

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The Power of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a tool that can help place attention where it is most needed and then keep it there as long as required to reflect, plan, decide and act.

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