How Business Acceleration Teams Can Help You Get Results – Fast

When faced with critical issues in their organization, a leader does not have the luxury of time. Business Acceleration Teams can drive results - quickly.

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Why new CEOs should use Strategy and Leadership Team Alignment

Our process, Strategy Leadership Team Alignment, uses tactical planning and strategic thinking to align the leadership team around the organization's vision, and if necessary, their key strategic [...]

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Agile Strategy Enables Significant Growth

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How to nurture your team to high-performance

It is likely that your team (even if it is an established team) is in the forming stage. Here's how to nurture your team to high-performance.

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KPIs and OKRs: Don’t let buzzwords get in the way of success

Don’t get bogged down in KPIs and OKRs. Instead, establish trust and gain alignment on a few key critical (and simple and measurable) goals. Here is where you will find success.

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When it comes to strategy, aim for perfection, execute with precision

Too often, I see leaders and their teams create strategies, and fail to execute them because they are focused on perfection, not precision.

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Designing a hybrid workplace? Avoid this mistake.

When designing a hybrid workplace, communication guidelines are critical to creating an effective and thriving workplace – skipping this step could lead to increased burnout and collaboration fatigue.

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Accelerate results in your first 90 days

How a leader leads in their first 90 days can build a foundation for success or create a hole that will be difficult to climb out of.

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Q&A with Michael Hornsby

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The Upside of the Great Resignation

The silver lining of the Great Resignation is an unprecedented opportunity to build a stronger organization – one poised to thrive

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